Together we can
Download Siyakwazi’s 2020 Annual Report
A message from the Chairman:
To all Siyakwazi’s stakeholders and interested parties, 2020 was not what we all expected and planned for and as you continue to read through this report, you will notice that through Siyakwazi’s Covid response, there was learning, growth and a reflection that Siyakwazi’s inclusive model became more effective in many ways.
In spite of demands imposed by Covid-19, Siyakwazi staff continued to deliver to children in need of care, balancing delivery against safety. We are enormously grateful to staff for this extra effort resulting in record number of children being cared for as well as record funds raised. We are especially grateful to those who afford us annual contributions making our planning for the future so much easier.
We would like to thank all staff members, funders and partners that endeavoured through the challenges to ensure that all children were still reached and supported.
Siyakwazi’s 2020 Annual Report is available to download here