More learning with LEGO

Siyasizas, Matha and Makhosi, joined the LEGO team for their second time in Johannesburg for an interactive training session earlier in September.

The training was organized and sponsored by HeronBridge College and was a continuation from an outreach that the school had participated in earlier this year.

 The official courses were Playbox Level 2 and Six bricks Level 1 & 2. The courses focus on facilitating an interactive learning environment in a way that kids can relate to – with LEGO bricks. The Six Bricks concept aims to ‘Wake Up’ the brain with short, sharp and stimulating activities – using only 6 bricks. Makhosi explains that the secret of the success with the Six Bricks concept is that the blocks are available to the child the whole day, and on instruction from the teacher will need to complete a task. Discipline, self-control, learning through repetition, and creativity are just some of the fundamentals of applying Six Bricks in the classroom.

LEGO in the classroom is not meant to be a lesson! Rather it focuses on developing fundamentals within the child to support the learning that takes place. Fine-motor, Gross motor, Colour identification, Numeracy, Story-telling, Pattern identification, coordination and language are just some of the ways LEGO can be used for learning.

Siyakwazi’s involvement in the LEGO training helps us support the sustainability of the programme, as without it so much can be lost out on when LEGO is associated with playtime only. Siyakwazi aims to transfer the knowledge about the resource throughout all the schools, ECD Centres and homes that we work with.    

Read our blog on activities with LEGO in the classroom – Learning with LEGO

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