Equipping Parents and Children: A Week of Learning with Siyakwazi’s Therapy programme
Siyakwazi hosted its second Therapy Block Training for the year at the start of October. This training provided a unique opportunity for parents to come together, learn, and share experiences as they navigated the world of caring for their children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and their ongoing developmental challenges.
At the start of the training session parents were asked about their expectations and what they wanted to know about CP and their children’s unique challenges. The responses were a mix of curiosity and a desire for guidance. Parents wanted to understand more about CP, developmental delays, and how to accept their child’s diagnosis with confidence. Some parents shared heartfelt stories about their children’s journeys, highlighting the complications surrounding birth and the uncertainties they faced. It became clear that parents not only sought knowledge but also emotional support to cope with the unique challenges they were experiencing.
Parents said that the training they get heals their soul and help them deal with their children. “Ngizwa engathi usiyakwazi sawulethelwa inkosi” meaning parent feels like God sent Siyakwazi.”
During the week, parents had the opportunity to share their thoughts about the training they were receiving. They acknowledged the importance of training, emphasizing that it not only equipped them with valuable skills but also created a space for them to connect and play with their children. The notion of maintaining an accepting heart to care for their child resonated deeply with the parents. They expressed the difficulties of explaining their child’s condition to others and how this training opened their eyes to new perspectives.
Parent said.”Kumele umamukele umntwana wakho ukwazi nokuxhumana naye ukuze impilo ibe lula” meaning “You have to accept your baby and connect with her so that life becomes easy”.
One of the week’s sessions was led by Siyakwazi’s Speech and Language Therapist Consultant. Parents learned about feeding their children through tubes and the importance of cleanliness and vigilance during this process. They also gained insights into communication methods and tools, including augmentative and alternative communication methods like PECS, sign language, manual signs, and voice output devices. Feedback revealed that parents discovered ways to address common challenges such as saliva management and techniques for feeding.
Parent says, “Siyakwazi organisation helped her a lot. Siyakwazi helped parent accept her situation. Now the parent knows how to stretch, position and feed her child. Another parent said, “she learnt that the child must be in a tummy position so that she can learn to play with toys.”
As the week concluded, parents reflected on their learning journey. They expressed their gratitude for the extra exercises and support they received. The week had not only equipped them with practical knowledge but had also transformed their mindset and their ability to care for their children.