Parent Support in action: Nomfundo & Owami’s ASD journey

Owami* (5) has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and he joined the Inclusion Programme in 2021. Siyakwazi has supported Owami’s enrollment to a local private Special Education Needs (SEN) school since 2023. Thanks to sponsorships from this school, Owami is able to attend a school with specialised classes and teaching plans that take into account his unique…

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Autism Spectrum Disorder: How Siyakwazi supports children with ASD

April – and Autism Awareness Month – is nearing to a close but our work is far from finished. Behavioural difficulties and differences often associated with autism are among the most cited reasons for exclusion from education. So, how can we work together to better support children with autism? Shedding light on invisible disabilities Did you know?…

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