Early Learning in ECD

Our work with ECD Centres in kwaNzimakwe has seen enormous growth and success in the last few years. Our emphasis for 2019 has been to focus on children from 0-2 years and raise the quality of learning. Preventing developmental delays. The focus for this is to capacity-build practitioners and increase their confidence in implementing quality early learning on a daily basis through two specific learning programmes.

Learn with Lego

Lego is an amazing tool to teach a child many things at the same time whilst they are playing. Children are building using their hands, talking about what they are doing, planning creatively, sharing whilst learning
colours and spatial concepts as well as hand eye coordination. The list goes on. Lego allows a young child to learn holistically whilst they are playing and enjoying fun activities with their peers!

“Lego has enhanced learning within the schools and creches that Siyakwazi is involved with. The results show that Lego has helped improve communication and socialising skills as many exercises are done as group activities.

Pre-Reading Skills

Pre-reading skills are essential in supporting young children to learn to read effectively. These skills promote a love for reading and give children the BEFORE skills so that they are ready to learn to read when they reach formal schooling. Activities will include specials focus on Wordworks’ Every Word Counts 0-2 programme including exposure to stories and books and language, adding words, stimulating imagination and curiosity.